Guardians of Justice is rendered and painted by the artists of DC Comics. It is inspired by the upcoming Warner Bros. Television Animation series The Justice League Unlimited. This series comprises an expanded Justice League which now includes Green Arrow, Captain Atom and Supergirl. The series is produced by award-winning Warner Bros. producers Bruce Timm and Glen Murakami.
The original Justice League was conceptualized by longtime DC Comics' writer, Gardner Fox. He was inspired by the Justice Society to create a similar, contemporary concept to the Justice Society of America, but one utilizing the word "league." Part of Fox's concept was based on the teams that comprised the National Basketball League and the American Baseball League.
The original Justice League first appeared in DC Comics' publication The Brave and The Bold #28. That original lineup comprised Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, The Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter.
This piece features 15 members of the Justice League: Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, The Flash, Hawkgirl (standing), The Red Tornado, Zatanna, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Supergirl, Dr. Fate, Wildcat and Black Canary (flying).